Supporting Ham Radio Contesting Since 1989

Supporting Ham Radio Contesting Since 1989


North Coast Contesters

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Dayton Photos Posted to K8CX Gallery

QSP by K3LR:  K8CX has posted his 21st Dayton photo gallery at:

There are now a total of 5,285 Dayton photos up on  All callsigns are searchable from the Hamgallery homepage.

Also check out the K8CX 2017 Dayton Review page at:

Summer 2017 NCC Picnic at K3LR

Save the date – Friday, July 21, 2017.  This is the date that NCC President Tim Duffy has announced for the next NCC Summer picnic.  The event will commence around 4 PM at Tim’s station in West Middlesex, PA and continue until ???  Tim’s picnics are always really fun – lots of good food, good company, and a tour of the latest new equipment and improvements at the K3LR superstation.  Keep and eye on the NCC email reflector for updates and instructions on when to RSVP.  See you there!

NO3M’s 1930’s-Style Field Day

Eric, NO3M, posted the following to the NCC email reflector.  Sounds like a lot of fun!:

Just want to let everyone know that I’ll be hosting a Field Day setup
again this year focused on 1930s type homebrew gear.  Everyone is
welcome to come out to the farm (NO3M QTH) for as long as they’d like,
either day (Sat / Sun), and overnight if you don’t mind crashing in the
barn (fresh hay bale beds!).  The station should be on the air at least
until 3AM Sunday morning and back up by 8-9AM.

The plan is to have a generator so we can claim “A” category.  At the
moment, only one CW station is planned, but there has been some
discussion of a possible SSB station.  We’ll put that station up in the

The receiver will be a homebrew 1934 superhet as long as it behaves.  It
was doing all sorts of weird things at Breezeshooters, which at the
moment are fixed.  Backup receiver will be the HRO-5 we used last year.

The transmitter is a newly built three-stage rig.  At the moment, it is
only doing 30W instead of 150W.  Hopefully that will be fixed in the
next week or so.  If not, I’ll resort to a good old 203A or (gasp) 811
triode amplifier so we can at least hit 100W.

Planned bands are 20-160M, focused mostly on 40M and 80M.

I also have a vintage Speed-X straight key on the way, bug will be wired
in parallel.  Welcome to bring your own favorite key.

Not sure what’s going on as far as food, but hopefully we’ll fire up the
grill with some lamb and chicken (farm raised), fresh walleye or other
local catches, and burgers / hot dogs.  Maybe a casserole to compliment
the meats.  Water, coffee, cola, and beer (Yuengling), maybe some
homemade iced tea.

Pass the word to anyone that might find an interest in operating antique
style gear.

73 Eric NO3M

2016 Sweepstakes Results – NCC Members Win WPA, OH

Sweepstakes is not an event for which the club pulls out all the stops, but quite a few members do participate.  Here’s a wrap up of some of the noteworthy scores registered in the 2016 contests.


W2FU placed third in the multi-single low power category with nearly 170,000 points.  Ops K0SM, N2ZN, NW2K, W2FU and W2GN kept the station on the air full time and made 1,022 contacts. 

In the WPA section, NO3M managed a first place finish in the HP category with just 16 hours in the chair.  K3UA won the LP certificate with 144,000 points. 

In the competitive Ohio section, W1NN managed to sneak into the top ten low power list with a 9th place finish.  Hal’s score of 155,874 was good enough to earn him first place in the Great Lakes Division and the Central District.  W8WTS and W8CAR were close behind. 

Florida snowbird K8MR managed an unusual feat from his winter home in the WCF section.  Jim won the QRP category from his usual operating position in a park on Sarasota Bay, and also came in second in the LP category while operating with the borrowed call sign W4FCG from his apartment.   


At the time of writing, full line scores for the SSB weekend were not yet available on the ARRL website, so when they are, we may add more information.  For now, congratulations are in order to K3UA for his second place overall in the LP category with over 190,000 points and 1146 contacts.  This score also earned Phil first place in the Atlantic Division and first place in the WPA section.  Great job!




K3LR Dominates USA Multi-Multi in 2016 CQWW SSB but is Edged Out Again in the CW Weekend

Battling what many considered to be the worst conditions ever for this contest, the team at K3LR managed a 7th-in-world multi-multi finish in the SSB weekend, decisively winning USA with a score of 12.6 million points compared with 9.6 million for WE3C and 8.7 million for W3LPL.  The ‘LR team’s score was some 19 million points below their 2015 score but with the solar flux at 70 for most of the weekend, this was more than enough for their top ten showing.  PJ2T managed to place first in the world in this category with a score less than the 2015 K3LR score!

In multi-single, K8AZ placed sixth in the US, compared to their usual presence at or near the top of this category.  In his 3830 posting, Tom explained as follows:

Two of my longest-held and dearest friends, K8NZ and N8AA, each of whom can claim a half-century of CQWW experience (and I am not too far behind them),emphatically agreed that these were the worst CQWW conditions they have ever experienced here in the Midwest.

 So, we decided to have fun instead. After all, we’re in Cleveland, and the Cleveland Indians were on TV Friday and Saturday nights, at Wrigley Field — as big underdogs — in games 3 and 4 of baseball’s World Series. What better excuses to divert one’s attention from radio? So we played radio, watched two intense games, used the contest to break in some of the less experienced local operators …. and overall had a blast.   

Other notable NCC scores in the SSB weekend were achieved by LZ4AX, who piloted the K3CR station to a second place finish in SOABLP, and K8ZT, who placed 9th in the world in the QRP category. 

In the CW weekend, the K3LR crew were edged out of first-place USA in the multi-multi category by W3LPL, the second year in a row that Frank’s crew bested the ‘LR gang following three consecutive K3LR wins in 2012, 2013 and 2014.  Although K3LR managed to find two more multipliers, the ‘LPL team made nearly 500 more QSOs, pushing their score to 14.2 million points, versus 13.0 million for K3LR.  It seems that as we head downward in the solar cycle, stations in the NCC territor are affected more than stations closer to Europe. 

The W2FU team registered a second place USA score in the multi-two category, but their score of 8.4 million points put them well behind the KC1XX superstation which made 11.9 million points.   Another case of QTH disadvantage, it seems.

I n multi-single, the K8AZ team put in a valiant effort to keep up with its competitors but came in fourth place.  However, their score was only 0.5 million points behind winner W3UA with 5.4 million points, so Tom’s ops did a tremendous job.   

In the SOABLP category, LZ4AX again managed to win the category operating from K3CR.  Well done, Alex!



Dayton 2017 Activities Announced

NCC president Tim Duffy, K3LR, has announced three important events for Dayton 2017:

The first is the event that no contester wants to miss – the Contest Dinner, sponsored by North Coast Contesters.  This year’s dinner, to be held on Saturday, May 20, 2017 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, will be the twenty-fifth such event!  It is sure to be a sell-out, so get your tickets early.  Tickets are only available at the new contest dinner website:

The second event is the Contest Supersuite, which will be held on four consecutive nights (May 17-20) in the Harding, McKinley, Garfield and Harrison Rooms at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.  This year will be the 29th anniversary of this event.  The Contest Supersuite is co-sponsored by the North Coast Contesters, Mad River Radio Club, and Frankford Radio Club.  For more information, visit the website:

The third event is the Contest University, to be held on Thursday, May 18, 2017, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.  This will be the 11th year for the CTU! See the new website and course listing at:   



K3LR Elected NCC President at January 14, 2017 Annual Meeting

At the 28th annual meeting of the North Coast Contesters held at the QTH of Tom Lee, K8AZ, Tim Duffy, K3LR, was elected president of the club again.  Tim has served as president several times in prior years. Outgoing president Tom Lee will serve as vice president. 

Here is the report of the meeting submitted by Secretary/Treasurer Ray Fallen, ND8L:

North Coast Contesters

Minutes of the 28th Annual Meeting

January 14, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 8:10PM EST by President Tom Lee and the sign in roster was circulated.

Treasurer’s report was presented by Ray Fallen.  The opening balance in the treasury on 1/1/2016 was $2753.56.  There was a dues holiday in 2016, but there were voluntary contributions of $290.00 received during 2016.  Total disbursements through 1/14/2017 were

$567.40.  These included the Super Suite reimbursement to K3LR, CQWW and ARRL Plaque sponsorships and NorthCoastContesters.COM web hosting expenses paid to KA9FOX.

As of 8PM on 1/14/2017, the balance in the treasury was $2475.86 and the financial health of the club is strong.

President Lee pointed out that annual dues are currently $20.00 with a $10.00 voluntary contribution.  Dues are waived for new members.

President Lee gave a brief report on the NCC web site.  There was a unanimous vote on a resolution commending WebMaster W1NN for his outstanding efforts to modernize the NCC site and keep it updated and relevant.

Old Business:

Vice President Tim Duffy reported on WRTC 2018.  Tim suggested that NCC consider sponsorship of one tent in memory of Val, W8KIC.  Cost of a single tent is $1,000 and while payment is not due immediately, NCC should pledge its support.  It was proposed and approved in a unanimous vote that we sponsor a tent and that NCC would match individual contributions dollar for dollar up to $500.00.

Treasurer Fallen will communicate the procedure for making contributions to NCC members in a separate e-mail.  President Lee discussed the appropriate procedure for making contributions, which again will be discussed in Fallen’s forthcoming e-mail.

Fallen also suggested sponsorship of a second tent for a total club contribution to WRTC2018 of up to $1,000.  It was verbally agreed that if there were excess contributions over the $500.00 mark, those would be matched up to $1,000.  President Lee suggested that if there were a second tent, it would be in the memory of K3TUP.

Lee and Duffy reported on NCC’s 2016 contest participation which continues to be strong and that NCC’s reputation as a force in the Medium Club Category continues to grow.

Vice President Duffy reported on plaque sponsorships (we currently sponsor two for CQ-WW and one for ARRL-DX).  Tim is reviewing the availability of additional sponsorships.

The 2016 ARRL club gavel was passed around and received appropriate oohs and ahs.  President Lee suggested that going forward, the club gavel be presented to a Warrior who has made significant personal contributions to NCC and contesting.  Tom suggested that Hal, W1NN be presented the gavel for his outstanding efforts on the NCC website.    The suggested was unanimously and enthusiastically approved.

New Business:

President Lee suggested a continuation of the dues holiday for 2017, but encouraged individual voluntary contributions be forwarded to Treasurer Fallen.  ($310.00 was collected after the meeting.)

There were no new candidates proposed for membership.

Vice President Duffy reported on the progress for the new venue for the 2017 Dayton Hamvention.  It is going well.  You can view YouTube video (including some incredible drone footage shot by Greg W8WWV) at DXEngineering.COM.  Tim encouraged us all to give the new venue a chance and that while nobody should expect perfection the first year, there are over 600 DARA volunteers working hard to make the Dayton experience much, much better than it’s been.  Parking at the Fairgrounds will be plentiful and free.

Contest University and the NCC Super Suite will continue at the Crowne Plaza.  No changes there.

Tim reported that seats at the 25th Annual Contest Banquet on Saturday night were going fast, so if your Dayton plans include that event, get your reservations in soon.

President Lee reminded us of upcoming contests including CW Sprint and ARRL DX Phone and CW.

There was a discussion on the future of the CQ Worldwide Contests vis-à-vis the iffy future existence of CQ Magazine.  Lee and Duffy assured the Membership that due to some strategic planning and actions by WWROF, CQ-WW will continue, with or without CQ.

Election of Officers:

The recommended slate of officers was unanimously approved:

K3LR – President                        K8AZ – Vice President

ND8L – Secretary/Treasurer      W1NN – Executive Web Guru

At this point, the gavel was passed to President Duffy.

Contest Whippage:

President Duffy reappointed the following Contest Whips:

ARRL/CQ-WW (Phone and CW):  W8CAR

RTTY Contests (including Sprints and CQ-WW RTTY):  WW3S

160 Meter Contests:  NO3M

CW Sprints:  K3LR


After a brief, but favorable discussion regarding the brevity of the proceedings, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM.

NA Sprint February 4, 2017

Please mark your calendars for Saturday, February 4, 2017 for the next NA Sprint CW.  NCC has been putting together ten-operator teams with our friends in the Mad River Radio Club and a few others for several years and we will be doing the same during 2017.  The January contest begins at 7 PM local on Saturday evening (0000Z on Sunday February 5 and runs for four hours.    In the February 2016 CW Sprint, NCC/MRRC Friends teams came in third and ninth, so this is a contest that we do very well in.  Save the date! 

NAQP CW January 14, 2017

Those unable to attend the K8AZ Annual Meeting (see next Events item) may want to join a team in the January running of the North American QSO Party CW scheduled to take place on Saturday, January 14, 2017.  As we have done for the past several years, we will be putting together joint teams with our friends in the Mad River Radio Club.  It is unfortunate that there is a conflict with the annual meeting but these days nearly every weekend has an event that some are interested in operating.  Stay tuned to the NCC reflector for reminders and requests for team participation.  

NCC Wins Gavel in 2016 ARRL International DX Club Competition

In this year’s ARRL International DX Affiliated Club Competition, the North Coast Contesters have won the Medium Club gavel with a massive win over their competitors.  NCC amassed over 70 million points from 27 entrants to beat second place DFW Contest Group by over 40 million points.  In November, Great Lakes Director Dale Williams WA8EFK sent Tim, K3LR a message of congratulations on this achievement and mentioning that the winner’s gavel would be forthcoming from the ARRL Contest Division Director Bart Jahnke W9JJ.  Congratulations NCC warriers!

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Solar Data
K8ZT Useful Links
NCC member K8ZT has a website full of useful links and resources. See the following: