RTTY Ops Plan K3LR Digital Effort in CQWW RTTY Contest
Jamie WW3S, Phil K3UA,Eric NO3M and Ray ND8L are planning a low power multi-single operation from the K3LR Superstation in this year’s CQWW RTTY Contest coming up in September.
RTTY enthusiasts gathered at Tim’s WPA shack for a shakedown cruise in the NAQP RTTY Contest in July to make sure the station is shipshape and break in Tim’s antennas to this unfamiliar mode. The ops managed a second place finish only behind perennial RTTY powerhouse N0NI.
As far as we know, this will be the first major RTTY effort from Tim’s station. It is likely that the diddlers around the world will notice the impact!
A picture of the NAQP RTTY operation has been posted to the photo gallery.