Other NCC Scores in the 2018 CQWW DX Tests
K3LR and K8AZ were not the only NCC stations making noise in the 2018 CQWW DX contests. Some of the other noteworthy scores from our members:
M/S HP W2FU – Second Place USA with 9.1 million points
M/S LP W1NN & N2BA at VP9I – Second place world with 5.7 million points
SO (A) AB HP K8CX (2.0 million points), N8TR (1.5 million points), N2WK (1.4 million points), and ND8L (570,000 points)
SO (A) AB LP K8LY (308,000 points)
SO (A) AB QRP (298,000 points)
SO (A) AB HP K8CX (735,000 points), N2WK (414,000 points), ND8L (342,000 points)
SO (A) AB LP K8LY (312,000 points)
SOAB HP K8MR (178,000 points), NW2K @ W2FU (102,000 points), N2ZN (30,000 points)
SOAB QRP K8ZT (85,000 points)