NCC Shines in 2014 CQ WW DX Contests
It seems like the final results for the CQ WW DX contests are announced earlier and earlier each year. For the 2014 contests, NCC again showed its multi-op prowess with a number of top and near-top finishes. Here is a brief summary of the final results for our club:
Fantastic high band conditions and near-record participation (8,283 logs submitted) combined to produce another year of great SSB scores in 2014. In the MM competition, for the 10th consecutive year, K3LR placed first in the USA, achieving the second highest score in the world behind only HK1NA. In the multi-single category, K8AZ’s crew achieved another good score from Ohio while the VE3EJ team produced the top Canadian MS score.
Great conditions and record activity helped NCC multi-operator stations K3LR, W2FU and K8AZ produce some fantastic scores. K3LR bested its winning 2013 score to set a new USA record in the MM category. The K3LR gang’s score was not only the top US score but fourth in the world and not far from second place in the world. Close behind was the W2FU team at third place in the US and seventh in the world. Jeff’s ops are doing better each year and no doubt are gearing up to give K3LR some real competition. The guys at K8AZ again triumphed in the MS category.
In the combined CW + SSB USA club competition, NCC, with only 26 scores, came in sixth, competing against the likes of YCCC whose score included logs from 270 stations. Well done!