MRRC/NCC Team Places 8th in September NA Sprint
Good participation from CW ops in our two clubs allowed the combined MRRC/ NCC to field four teams with 17 ops in the September 2018 NA Sprint.
None of our ops made it into the super-competitive top ten high power list this time, but KW8N, K8MR, K9NW, K3LR and N3RD came very close, and the last four stations did make the top ten 12 or fewer band change list. Our ops did better in the low power standings with N8EA, W8WTS, K3UA and W1NN making it into the top ten. Although his score was left out of the initial results article published in the NCJ, KW8N edged out K8MR to place at the top of the 8th region.
Challenging 20 Meter conditions was the main feature of this particular NA Sprint. This was an especially big obstacle for our low power and poor antenna entrants. Only N8EA managed to make over 30 contacts on 20, with W8WTS, W1NN, ND8L, K1LT and K3UA and the other LP entrants making 30 or less contacts there. This was the main reason why the low power scores were lower than usual this time and is far below normal.
28 teams participated this time. Our best team (KW8N, K8MR, W8WTS and W1NN) managed an 8th place showing with only four scores. One more decent score would have pushed this team up at least three or four places. Our other teams placed 12th, 13th, and 19th.
The full results of this and other Sprints can be found in the NCJ and on the NCJ website.
The next NA Sprint CW is scheduled for Saturday, February 2 at 2000 EST (February 3 at 0000Z).