NCC Officers Re-elected at Annual Meeting
NCC Club secretary Ray Fallen, ND8L submitted the following report on the January 3 annual meeting held at the QTH of Tom, K8AZ. See also the Photo Galleries for a few pictures of the meeting:
Well, the 2015 North Coast Contesters Annual Meeting has come and gone. Once again, thanks to Tucker and K8AZ for hosting a great get-together. Attendance was a little down this year probably due to the balmy Ohio weather and no Mad River guys, but it was a great opportunity for Warriors reconnect, share a story or two and look forward to 2015.
Officers (Note: Tim K3LR president, Tom K8AZ vice president and Ray ND8L secretary/treasurer) were re-elected, whips were re-appointed, we welcomed Rod Erhart WN8R as our newest member, K8CX shared details on his amazing ARRL Ten Meter effort from P4 and K3LR presented an excellent review on The State of the North Coast Contesters.
If I may summarize Brother Duffy’s comments (and since I found out I’m supposed to take notes) here goes…
The state of our club is strong, vibrant and relevant. NCC continues to be a significant presence in the contesting community both from a contest participation standpoint (we own the WW Medium Club Gavel and have for the last ten years or so) and from our activities outside of the actual contest arena, such as WRTC and the Dayton Contest Super Suites.
Our brand is well represented though W1NN’s efforts to make NorthCoastContesters.COM…an internet resource for current and prospective contesters. We all owe Hal huge attaboys for taking that project and making it happen. Let’s all support his efforts with photos, stories, links and any other content ideas you might have for your NCC website.
If you have a personal website, make sure you include a link to the NCC site!
Finally, and hey, I’m just doin’ my job…your 2015 dues of $20.00 US money is now due. Many of the guys at last night’s meeting kicked in a few extra bucks for our rainy day fund, on top of the $20.00 annual dues. As ‘AZ pointed out, this financial cushion gives us a flexibility to act on various opportunities that arise with a simple e-mail vote, without the added pressure of securing funding. It works!
Please mail your check payable to me (not NCC, since the club doesn’t have a checking account) and send to my CBA:
Ray Fallen
504 East Liberty Street
Hubbard, OH 44425-2136
Humbly submitted,
Ray, ND8L