CQ WW 160-Meter CW Contest 2025
This weekend was the exciting CQ World Wide 160m CW contest! Check out these AWESOME scores submitted by NCC Members:
Band QSOs Pts StP DXC Pt/Q
1.8 593 1849 54 40 3.1
Total 593 1849 54 40 3.1
Score: 173,806
Call: W8CAR
Operator(s): W8CAR
Station: W8CAR
Class: Single Op Assisted HP
QTH: oh
Operating Time (hrs): 13
Location: USA
Total QSO’s- 662
State/Prov.- 56
Countries- 29
TOTAL SCORE: 164,560
That was more fun than I thought. Activity seemed to be down but enough to keep me in the chair. Lots of EU spots that were not heard in Ohio. Saturday night much better for EU but the band seemed to dry up about 0600Z so I packed it in. Still one of my favorites. 73 Dan W8CAR
Call: N8TR
Operator(s): N8TR
Station: N8TR
Class: Single Op Assisted HP
Operating Time (hrs): 9.5
Total: QSOs = 330 State/Prov = 53 Countries = 44 Total Score = 137,158