2018 Summer Picnic at K3LR!
Friday, July 27 is the date for one of the club’s best events of the year – the summer picnic at the QTH of K3LR. This year’s event will celebrate the 31st anniversary of the founding of our club. You don’t want to miss this event! There is always a big turnout and it’s a great chance to leisurely chat with your fellow members. You can also find out what’s new at the best ham station in the world, and enjoy Tim’s excellent catered meal. Last year attendees went home with NCC coffee mugs engraved with “30th Anniversary July 21, 2017” – a real collector’s item. Tim’s bash begins at 6PM and Tim would like you to RSVP so he knows how much food to prepare. Keep and eye on the NCC email reflector for updates and instructions. See you there!