Supporting Ham Radio Contesting Since 1989

Supporting Ham Radio Contesting Since 1989

3 NCC/MRRC Teams in Sprint Top Ten Team Competition

NCC and our sister club the Mad River Radio Club fielded three joint teams in the February 2018 CW Sprint and all three managed to make the top ten in the team competition!

Conditions were terrible and the scores for most ops were down from the typical January scores.  Here are the details of our three teams based on the preliminary results posted on the Sprint website.  The numbers to the left show team placement while the right-hand column shows the total score achieved by the five operators:

5.  NCC/MRRC CQ (NO3M, KW8N, K3UA, K8MR, W2FU)         55,072

7. NCC/MRRC QRZ (K9NW, N2ZN, NA8V, N8EA, W1NN)          52,160

10.  NCC/MRRC DX (K3LR, W8WTS, W3YQ, W9PA, NW2K)     43,686

On a claimed score basis, here are the individual scores of our three team members, compiled by K3LR:

NCC/MRRC CQ NO3M 14,276 KW8N 13,005 K3UA 10,920 K8MR 10,692 W2FU  7,371 Team Total: 56,264 

NCC/MRRC QRZ K9NW 12,804 N2ZN 11,685 NA8V 10,164 W1NN  9,321 N8EA  9,320 Team Total: 53,294  

NCC/MRRC DX K3LR  13,500 W8WTS 11,111 W3YQ   9,348 W9PA   7,600 NW2K   3,680 Team Total: 45,239 

By comparing the total preliminary scores with the claimed scores, you can get an idea of how much our scores were reduced in the log checking.  The answer:  not very much!  There was only one change in order between the claimed scores and the preliminary scores.  In the former, W1NN edged out N8EA by one single point, but the preliminary scores show that after log checking, N8EA ended up ahead of W1NN by 30 points! 

NO3M and K3LR made the top ten high power list, while K3UA, N8EA and W1NN made the top ten low power list.  NO3M and K3LR were also in the total QSO top ten, with NO3M placing second!  K8MR operated from the station of K5KG where he produced the high score for FL.  W1NN operated remote from Japan. 

Excellent job everyone!


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